God has unfolded a very powerful and scriptural ongoing process for actively developing TRUE LEADERS in both English and French (VRAI LEADER)! If your congregation would like Bren to launch this process for your current and future leaders, please contact us by submitting a reply. Retreats and follow-up sessions are offered on-site live and online. While there is no formal fee, donations are very much appreciated and needed. Please pray about launching this unique process as soon as possible, thus ensuring that your congregation’s future leaders are truly courageous, Christ-like leaders! Public venue offerings are also available three times a year at the historic Bowling Brook Mansion in Keymar, MD if you would like to send someone to participate.


This summer we will be expanding our outreach and content through live links to YouTube and Skype! Several new series will be launched, and 2 brand new related French websites will be highlighted! Get connected with thousands of others in the Francophone world right here at! Share this with all your friends and family! Thanks for engaging with us for God’s Great Purpose!


After 23 years of praying, God brought Christophe and Ioana together as man and wife in a most beautiful and perfect way! And what a wonderful couple working for the Lord! I baptized Christophe over 23 years ago in Strasbourg. He helped me with World Bible School students and outreach all over France, the Antilles, and New Caledonia.. Christophe finished his program at Sunset International Bible Institute in 2019 and is now a full-time Evangelist in the area of France where he grew up! He and Ioana will be helping with church starts and outreach work in various places in France, including Alsace. Christophe is a French World Bible School Instructor and an Instructor for ‘Ecole du Maitre’, an advanced Bible study program that Doyle Kee developed. They will also be visiting isolated Christians to encourage them as needed. Please be praying for them! We thank God for them and are excited to see all that God unfolds in 2021 and beyond!


Aaron & Betsy & Céleste Palmer have done a fantastic job in Colmar! Aaron is teaching Bible students online for World Bible School in French (Ecole Mondiale de la Bible) in connection with the Crieve Hall Church of Christ in Nashville, TN. They have made so many special friends and followed up on years of contacts, teaching and baptizing those who were responsive of heart. Every week, they meet new people and teach close friends in their home and online. New Testament Christians are now assembling weekly in Colmar! Praise God! Please continue to pray for them each week as they do outstanding outreach in this beautiful corner of the world! The spiritual Reign of God continues to expand in all directions! What a joy to see! We highly commend the Palmers for their loving and fruitful efforts in Alsace!


Short-Term MISSIONS experience is one way to get crucial insight into people in other cultures. If you are a French-speaking college student seeking international internships and other kinds of experience abroad during this challenging time, we can perhaps share some ideas, resources and options. Please contact us and tell us about yourself and some of your career and life goals. At the very least, we can help pray you forward in your life adventure! We look forward to hearing from you! Tell your friends too! We have connections all over the world, and have broad experience in international business, as well as in global missions. We have traveled to 87 countries and studied dozens of cultures, languages and regional histories. We stand ready to help you in any way we can! Contact us today!


If you are interested in French Missions, you can join our Group on LinkedIn “French World Missions Network”! There are nearly 300 members worldwide so far. Posts and shares are mostly in French. Members are connected to every Francophone country on the planet, including several very isolated islands. Simply search for this group name on and request an invitation to join. If you already have a profile on LinkedIn, just email me here (at the right) and I will have an invitation sent to you. Thanks! We look forward to more interaction with in French! God bless you!


Very soon on YouTube, Bren will be leading a brand new French Bible Study that helps French speakers around the globe learn how to apply the truth of God and see the positive results in their daily living! They will also have all 8 BIG LIFE QUESTIONS answered! This fresh, eye-opening approach to the Word of God can help your French speaking friends, co-workers or family to find the true meaning of life! Please share the link once it becomes available!

Merci! A très bientôt sur YouTube!

"When I am overwhelmed, YOU alone know the way I should turn."-Psalm 142:3

While the world is on PAUSE (sheltered in place), the GOD who made and sustains all things is getting everyone’s attention. A reminder for all humanity: THIS LIFE IS SHORT. THE ETERNAL OUTWEIGHS THE TEMPORARY. LOVE & RELATIONSHIP MATTER MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO EXPERIENCE TRUE PEACE.

MAKE THE MOST OF THIS DOWNTIME! Get into the Word of God. Pray continually. Be kind to everyone! GROW SPIRITUALLY!

Take a few minutes and watch important video series on YOUTUBE…type in Bren White ‘Living Out Colossians’, and Aaron Palmer ‘Il n’est jamais trop tard’!

You will be blessed!

Let us know how you are doing!


Imagine the perfect coming together of God-prepared workers being brought to God’s beautiful vineyards on the Alsace Plain! This is exactly what He has brought about! It is so wonderful that prayers have been heard, seeds have been planted and watered, and are being planted and watered here every day! Soon, beautiful fruit! We praise God for the outstanding workers and all the opportunities!


God is rounding up people who have been and are seeking Him all over the earth, including in France! What a beautiful thing to see! God’s love and truth continue to have a massive impact in the world! Thanks to all of our partners and co-workers in the Lord for your ongoing prayers and love and generosity! May the love of Christ be experienced and displayed more and more!

We still need mission-minded people to visit La Rochelle, Pau and Caen, France; or Baie St. Paul, Quebec; St. Pierre & Miquelon; Saba & Statia (Dutch Antilles). Even if you just go for a visit to get to see the area, God may put you together with seekers in an amazing way! You can stay in touch with them by Skype and study God’s Word together! As you share the truth in love, your relationship will grow and God will bless it!

“Don’t be afraid! I am here!”-Jesus (John 6)


OK, enough talk. Now it’s time to GO! You won’t be alone! Others are going onto French mission fields this year to reach out to people with the love of God and help start new congregations. God has been preparing and is now sending some wonderful workers to seek and serve like Jesus!

I hope you have been praying fervently as God has been preparing you for HIS GREAT MISSION! After a season of prayer and preparation, it’s TIME TO GO!

If you have not been through MISSION 1 TRAINING yet, you need to schedule that as soon as possible!

If you have not yet gone on a mission survey trip or mission campaign, you need to go!

Take your pick of places to go and work…Colmar, France; La Rochelle, France; Avignon, France; Pau, France; Bordeaux, France; Caen, France; Baie St. Paul, Quebec; Baie Comeau, Quebec; Saba; Statia; Martinique; Reunion!

Let us know what you’e thinking and praying about! We will pray with you and help to encourage you in your going!

God bless you! Que Dieu vous bénisse!


Do you speak French? How fluent are you? Have you ever been to France or other Francophone nations? Ever thought about doing French mission work? Write and tell us about yourself and how you think you might like to help in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to millions of French speaking souls around the globe! Once you write us a note, take some time and pray for God to prepare you for His Great Purpose!

If you are interested in free training, let us know about that! We will send you info on our MISSION 1 TRAINING process!

God bless you! We look forward to hearing from you!

2019 & 2020 Calendars

God is unfolding many wonderful things! It looks like the next two years will be very productive! HE has prepared multiple couples who are interested in moving to France, and HE is sending us new possible workers every week! HE also continues to send us new contacts all over France!

Please prayerfully consider helping in some way as God continues to expand His Kingdom all over the earth! Nothing can stop Him! It is awesome to see!

If you are not yet fluent in French, we want to encourage you to make use of multimedia internet language learning and develop your ability to communicate the Good News in French! We also want to encourage you to participate in MISSION 1 TRAINING at some point before you go on the field. This training helps you to get totally focused on being on mission with Jesus learning from Him daily! This is the key to being able to reach souls and make followers to Him.

During the next two years, we are praying for more trained workers to move to five cities in France, to Saba & Statia in the Caribbean, to Baie St. Paul, Quebec, and to St. Pierre & Miquelon islands (France) located just off Newfoundland. If you would like more info on any of these mission points, please contact us!

God will bless you richly as you develop a heart for HIM and seek to do His will daily! We hope to hear from you soon!

Aaron & Betsy Palmer Moving to Colmar!

We are very excited that our close friends Aaron & Betsy Palmer are moving to Colmar, France! They and their sweet new baby Celeste are planning to be there by next May, Lord willing. The Crieve Hall church of Christ in Nashville will be their overseeing congregation. We will be helping them in any way we can, along with other brothers and sisters in France and Switzerland and the USA.

Take a moment and explore the Palmer's new website and send them a note of encouragement!

Begin praying for them today! If you would like to support them financially in this work, I know that would be a great blessing! Thank you! God bless you! 

In HIS Awesome Love,



For every terrible news story every day in the global media, God has millions of good things He is bringing about in people's lives for His Eternal Purpose...all over the earth! Every week, I Skype with people all over the planet, and I have traveled in over 87 countries in the past 55 years. One of the greatest blessings about knowing God's people all over the earth is getting to hear first-hand what awesome things He is doing real-time everywhere! In spite of human sin and human suffering, lawlessness and hate, He blesses and comforts and pours out His love to all all who seek Him genuinely from the heart! (Read Acts 2:38-47)

One of the many wonderful things we are to learn from Jesus Christ is how to SEE God the Father at work every day! Jesus knew well David's Psalms...Psalm 23 and Psalm 145. Read those two chapters and you will begin to see how God operates every day...and how He wants us to operate every day in His awesome presence!

One of the things that you will learn from being on Mission Daily Learning from Jesus is just how awesome Your Maker and Sustainer is! This is one of the things we train to in MISSION 1 TRAINING. If you want to SEE and BECOME more like Jesus in your daily walk, make sure and join us for our quarterly offering of this unique training! It is offered in French, English and Spanish. It is conducted in Maryland USA, and on-site for various congregations in the USA and in the French World.

Contact me to get on the next roster! All of our training is free, but you can make a donation to our work fund if you like. You must personally take care of all of your travel and lodging expenses while here in training. It usually takes place over a long weekend. If you would like this training conducted at your congregation, please email me at Thanks!

God bless you this week as you seek to SEE and BECOME like Jesus!


Cheryl & I just got back from another mission trip with Aaron and Betsy Palmer from Alsace and Provence. God continues to unfold things to start churches in these areas. Next week I will post a full report with photos. If you would like to help us in these and other organic church starts in France, please let me know! We just got an email from a small group meeting in a town about one hour north of Avignon, wanting to start a New Testament church! We also heard that one of our dear friends near Avignon has asked to be baptized into Christ! Hallelujah! Gloire a Dieu! Tres bientot il y aura une assemblee (ou deux) pas loin d' Avignon! Continuez de prier!



Several awesome things are unfolding this year, so we may actually postpone the first fall retreat for 2019. We will keep you posted! Starting in 2019, there will be a number of mini-retreats planned!


Cheryl & I just got back from an awesome mission trip to Alsace France with Aaron & Betsy Palmer! It was truly a joy to get to work with them in this way! We made a great team! As we prayed together (along with hundreds of brothers and sisters), God unfolded every day in a most perfect and meaningful way! He put us together at just the right times with the right people who needed the encouragement and teaching that He gave us to share! He permitted us to develop many relationships, and bumped us into more people a most amazing way! He supplied great joy each day as we prayed and studied with friends and contacts in this beautiful place!

God is at work in Colmar to bring together a wonderful and strong New Testament church! He is bringing together a wonderful core group, and is getting them connected and focused for His Great Purpose! Each time we are there, He unfolds things more, but this time we were all shocked by how hungry and ready people were to be a part of this 'God project'! The first person we met with asked us about baptism and how it works! What a wonderful surprise! Prayer groups continue to be formed in homes. We have plans to Skype more often and supply resources for study and spiritual growth even when we are not there in person. Additional visits are being planned, and communication is also being increased on LinkedIn and by email.

So much happened in ten days--much of it will be bearing fruit for years to come! Please pray for these souls who desire to follow Jesus every day! Please pray for the wonderful workers God is assembling to help with this new church start! 

We will be sharing a full report along with some beautiful photos from the trip soon! Keep a look out! 

Thanks for all the prayer cover while traveling! Things could not have been more perfect! 

If you want to get involved or support this awesome work in some way, just let us know!

